Saturday, October 4, 2014

On a rainy morning..

It's a good time to write a blog entry on this rainy morning. How is everybody doing? After I write this, I'm going to continue work on my powerpoint slide. Class was nice last week since we talked about facilitation. This course is helping me a lot since I am in charge of many professional development meetings this year. It is giving me an easier time talking to my peers about the new technology in the school. I'm very grateful that this course is helping me a lot.

Also, I take back my feelings about Socrative. I'm in love with the tool again. I decided to use it during my observation and came out great. Next week, I was asked to share it during the faculty meeting.

In other news, my one app updated... Goal Rubric . You can download it now for the iPad. It helps with assessments for elementary school and works off a 4, 3, 2, 1 level. It is a free app but while you are trying it on the ads :)

Alright, well I'm off to work on a few items and go to a family birthday party later on. How a good day!

1 comment:

  1. I still have yet to use Socratic but am glad to see you found it useful. Someday maybe I will try it out :-)
