Monday, October 6, 2014

Chapter 2 18+

I just wanted to write a short blog post. I just finished reading chapter 2 pages 18-26 for tonight in the Rothwell book. He opens my eyes by seeing how I behave towards different learners but the writing style just irks me. He writes about 4 pages on different learning styles....then lays out an AWESOME table on the next three pages! I wish I saw that prior to reading. I have an easier time gaining knowledge from the table. Then again, possibly having them both in the book helps multiple learners.

I realized that I am a functionalistic. I enjoy showing students and adults why they should learn certain tools and I try hard to encourage those.

Some Amazon reviews of the book.


  1. I agree, I liked the table much better than the reading as well. However, like you said, I'm sure that there are some people that liked the reading better, depending on their learning style. I felt that the table was much easier to understand, and it gave a quick summary of the theory and gave some good tips. One tip that stuck out to me was the last time for the Functionalistic Theory. It said trainers should not punish learners who fail. Are there really trainers or teachers who would punish someone who failed?!

  2. Ha! I did the same thing Steve. That's what happens when you go through pages in order I guess! I too found the chart helpful in creating a quick summary reference.
