Sunday, October 28, 2012

Awaiting Sandy

Class was canceled last week so I cannot comment on that.  However, the water cooler seems to be  a big hit.  I was asked to do security at the high school for two weeks to sub in for somebody.  I said alright.  I was also asked by a supervisor to give a demonstration to about 30 teachers on Web 2.0 Tools.  They enjoyed many of the apps I showed.  The best one they enjoyed was Socrative.  Everybody the past few days told me they enjoyed what I spoke of and some have even shared with me how they are incorporating what they have used in their lessons.  I wish I was able to teach teachers how to use different technologies as a job.  I would be great at that.

In other news, Sandy is starting.  I live a mile from the bay so it is a little nervous with the rising water.  People so far that live within 1000 feet of the bay have been evacuated.  Both of my jobs are closed Monday and Tuesday.  Lets hope all is well.  Tomorrow starting at noon, everyone in town must stay home.  Hopefully Sandy won't be too mean.  I want to make sure my phone works and last.  However if you are looking for a great police scanner, search your app store.  There are many out there that work well.  Here is a great scanner that I use.

Anyway... Talk to you all on well hopefully soon.

take care

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