Monday, October 15, 2012

Late Late Late...but still on time

Here is my weekly blog post, a little late but still on time before tonight's 6PM class.  I'm excited today to give our presentation with my group.  We worked really well together and I feel we will also be able to deliver our content nicely.

I also enjoyed Dawn's tool last week and it was nice to have her son interact instead of just showing "Hey this is skype".  I don't usually use Skype but for business purposes I would.  Today a supervisor at the school I'm subbing at told me that there might be a position open involving maintaining technology at the school.  I'm going to ask around for letters of recommendation possibly.  I hope this turns into something, even if it is part time.

my picture of the week is Windows 8.  The new operating system comes out october 26.  This past weekend I had to take many tests and certifications at my job to ready to sell these computers to customers in about two weeks.  Overall, I am happy with the new operating system but it is going to take a while for everyone to get used to it.

Well I'm off to take the drive down to class.

1 comment:

  1. Really enjoyed your groups presentation. Enjoyed the other group as well but I look forward to seeing what you come up with in regards to integrating technology. I don't always get a chance to explore new technical avenues in the field of education .... ya know cause of that thing called life ; ) Our presentations Monday were a touch of old school oral and new school tech. A perfect blend and ya got a great lesson.
