Sunday, October 21, 2012


Once again I am subbing today in a high school.  The students are doing a review which is all online at a 2.0 tool called Quizlet.  There is actually also an app for it on the iPhone.  It is basically a great review tool where you can also print out packets as well.  I am going to remember this tool so I can use it when I teach.

As for our previous class, it was my favorite so far.  I enjoyed how we had the three of the same presentations, but at the same time, we had completely different information.  At first I thought class would be boring listening to two of the same presentations but I loved how unique they were delivered.  This class was perhaps the only one that I actually enjoyed doing a group project with.  I'm looking forward to our special class meeting next week!

Random thought: Is it weird that Christmas decorations are out at stores already?!?!?! As for the season is over :( but hopefully this season we don't spend a lot on free agents and go back to relying on our farm system.

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