Sunday, October 28, 2012

Awaiting Sandy

Class was canceled last week so I cannot comment on that.  However, the water cooler seems to be  a big hit.  I was asked to do security at the high school for two weeks to sub in for somebody.  I said alright.  I was also asked by a supervisor to give a demonstration to about 30 teachers on Web 2.0 Tools.  They enjoyed many of the apps I showed.  The best one they enjoyed was Socrative.  Everybody the past few days told me they enjoyed what I spoke of and some have even shared with me how they are incorporating what they have used in their lessons.  I wish I was able to teach teachers how to use different technologies as a job.  I would be great at that.

In other news, Sandy is starting.  I live a mile from the bay so it is a little nervous with the rising water.  People so far that live within 1000 feet of the bay have been evacuated.  Both of my jobs are closed Monday and Tuesday.  Lets hope all is well.  Tomorrow starting at noon, everyone in town must stay home.  Hopefully Sandy won't be too mean.  I want to make sure my phone works and last.  However if you are looking for a great police scanner, search your app store.  There are many out there that work well.  Here is a great scanner that I use.

Anyway... Talk to you all on well hopefully soon.

take care

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Once again I am subbing today in a high school.  The students are doing a review which is all online at a 2.0 tool called Quizlet.  There is actually also an app for it on the iPhone.  It is basically a great review tool where you can also print out packets as well.  I am going to remember this tool so I can use it when I teach.

As for our previous class, it was my favorite so far.  I enjoyed how we had the three of the same presentations, but at the same time, we had completely different information.  At first I thought class would be boring listening to two of the same presentations but I loved how unique they were delivered.  This class was perhaps the only one that I actually enjoyed doing a group project with.  I'm looking forward to our special class meeting next week!

Random thought: Is it weird that Christmas decorations are out at stores already?!?!?! As for the season is over :( but hopefully this season we don't spend a lot on free agents and go back to relying on our farm system.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Late Late Late...but still on time

Here is my weekly blog post, a little late but still on time before tonight's 6PM class.  I'm excited today to give our presentation with my group.  We worked really well together and I feel we will also be able to deliver our content nicely.

I also enjoyed Dawn's tool last week and it was nice to have her son interact instead of just showing "Hey this is skype".  I don't usually use Skype but for business purposes I would.  Today a supervisor at the school I'm subbing at told me that there might be a position open involving maintaining technology at the school.  I'm going to ask around for letters of recommendation possibly.  I hope this turns into something, even if it is part time.

my picture of the week is Windows 8.  The new operating system comes out october 26.  This past weekend I had to take many tests and certifications at my job to ready to sell these computers to customers in about two weeks.  Overall, I am happy with the new operating system but it is going to take a while for everyone to get used to it.

Well I'm off to take the drive down to class.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Just The Way The Cookie Crumbles....

Wow! It is Saturday already!  Last Monday in class was nice to have time with groups to work on our project.  It made all of our plans fall into line.  My group has done pretty we just need to put some finishing touches on the project.  Besides working on the project, Shannon and I discussed with Amy about getting a Mac.  It would definitely be the best choice for a laptop that will actually last a few  years.  I am looking forward to Monday's class to show Evernote.  Perhaps I will give them a handout of how to sign up to Evernote and create their first notebook.

In other news, I went to Atlantic City the other night... I risked a large amount ($5).  I ended up a winner! I won FIVE DOLLARS!  Aside from that, it has been a simple week.  I'm waiting to hear back from an interview which I heard I did well at.  

Remember everyone... Yankees postseason starts tomorrow night.