Sunday, November 30, 2014


Unfortunately I missed a lot of class last week due to conferences but I was able to catch the last five minutes. I am happy that after class ended my classmates were able to summarize how the class went. It was nice to summarize with Amy what was left for myself to do in the course. I am completely finished so I will give you my portfolio! Everything is updated and I will just be completing my blog until the end of the class.

In other news, I will not be attending tomorrow since I am at school for a bit. I need to get ready for my CEU class on Tuesday.

Finally, I am very thankful for this semester and would like to thank everybody for being great classmates. I appreciate all your help and kind words.

Thank you!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sunday Evening

Hello all,

How is everyone? Just relaxing here on this Sunday evening. Last Monday was a great class. I enjoyed learning about the Tuckman model since I was able to relate to the information provided. Today I watched the motivation TED talk and it was interesting to see that lower monetary value have a higher motivation than if a lot of money of offered. A great motivational speaker was from about five years ago when a kid Dalton Sherman gave a speech to his teachers.

Watch it.... It's awesome. 

In other news, I have conferences this week and as a computer teacher I actually have one tomorrow night. I will most likely miss class, but I am going to try to come home before class ends. If not, sorry for the motivation attribute. If somebody reads this I will describe it as, "Motivation is awesome because it sparks you to be better. After researching, I can see how you are more motivated when you are going to have results that will make you a better person. You do not need material items to be motivated. I chose the one picture of the guy chasing the item on the pole because I found it funny and also to never stop giving up. I also list the quotes because I feel they are motivational themselves.

Vision is sort of like motivation. I have this one in my room. "Vision: It's kind of fun to do the impossible" (I believe the words are like that)

Monday, November 17, 2014

Rainy Rainy RAINY day

Wow! What a rainy day! So today was neat in school. I tried out the Makey Makey I purchased and I'm going to get ready for the hour of code. I'm going to start hanging signs up to get students wondering what the signs are talking about. Wednesday I will be discussing it at the faculty meeting.

I am going to use the Makey Makey with my gifted and talented 5th grade students somehow. I am thinking to have them create something in Scratch.

In other news, looking at the schedule for is really ticking down. Only a few more classes to go. I submitted my lesson plan and also the attribute for tonight. I saw the new posting assignment but I am a little hopefully we will be discussing that tonight.

Alright...time to eat and get ready for class. Talk to everyone soon!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Deleted my lesson plan :(

Two weeks ago I showed my lesson plan to everybody and I went to go upload it yesterday. However, I decided to clean my computer out yesterday morning and well... I deleted it :(

I thought...oh great! Then I remembered I showed it and possibly it was on the archive...nope that wasn't recorded.

Time to retype! 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Veteran's Day

Class last week was a nice surprise to have it end early. I was able to get a lot finished. I updated my portfolio. I also finished the draft of my lesson plan but I haven't submitted it yet. I also jumped ahead and submitted my orientation slide. I was in a very working mood. This week I am very busy at school. Tuesday, I will have the CEU class that I am teaching. I will be going over Pages, Keynote, and Quicktime. I really want to focus on Quicktime to show teachers that they can create tutorials for students. On Thursday, another teacher who is a Vet will be running "Holler at a Hero" where he is connecting his 26 students with 26 troops in Afghanistan through Skype. I have been helping him out. I create the Skype accounts off one email and we are going to match them up before Thursday to try to test run a few.It will be amazing to see it happen on Thursday. i'm very excited for it. Friday, we have a huge Veteran Day assembly at the school. I've been creating a few different videos that will be shown. anyway, I'm off to visit a wedding venue today and tomorrow. See ya later! no class meeting on Monday. I'll be using that time to work on other projects.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Eventful Day!

I am not going to write long today because I have been working on my portfolio today. Check it out! While you are checking out the side, make sure you read about my wildcard which was going down to speak to MAIT-5001 about, the MAIT program, and developing apps. Teachers convention is coming up and I am going to try to finish everything during those two days for the rest of class. Tuesday I have a workshop that I am facilitating. I am going to use this as my lesson I will develop as I looked at examples. Alright. Adios!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Busy Week

To begin, class was great on Monday to see how everyone tied everything together. I think I did a pretty good job at facilitating. I appreciated how everybody participated which made it easy to flow from one slide to another. I enjoyed seeing many different views of self-concept. I posted the summary map to show everybody and I think that also came together well. I need to work on my portfolio. I am going to make it look amazing over teacher convention weekend. I need to spend time with it since I haven't created one for any other class. This week is going to be busy for me. Tomorrow, I have a coding workshop to institute computer science into the elementary school setting. I will be traveling up to Shrewsbury, NJ to the Monmouth County Library to go to the workshop. Tuesday, I have my first CEU session which I will be discussing instant assessments (Padlet, Socrative, InfuseLearning, Google Forms). On Wednesday, I'll be making the trip down to Stockton to speak to Amy's Intro class. Well, I'm off to grading my SGO... bye!