Monday, November 17, 2014

Rainy Rainy RAINY day

Wow! What a rainy day! So today was neat in school. I tried out the Makey Makey I purchased and I'm going to get ready for the hour of code. I'm going to start hanging signs up to get students wondering what the signs are talking about. Wednesday I will be discussing it at the faculty meeting.

I am going to use the Makey Makey with my gifted and talented 5th grade students somehow. I am thinking to have them create something in Scratch.

In other news, looking at the schedule for is really ticking down. Only a few more classes to go. I submitted my lesson plan and also the attribute for tonight. I saw the new posting assignment but I am a little hopefully we will be discussing that tonight.

Alright...time to eat and get ready for class. Talk to everyone soon!

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