Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sunday Evening

Hello all,

How is everyone? Just relaxing here on this Sunday evening. Last Monday was a great class. I enjoyed learning about the Tuckman model since I was able to relate to the information provided. Today I watched the motivation TED talk and it was interesting to see that lower monetary value have a higher motivation than if a lot of money of offered. A great motivational speaker was from about five years ago when a kid Dalton Sherman gave a speech to his teachers.

Watch it.... It's awesome. 

In other news, I have conferences this week and as a computer teacher I actually have one tomorrow night. I will most likely miss class, but I am going to try to come home before class ends. If not, sorry for the motivation attribute. If somebody reads this I will describe it as, "Motivation is awesome because it sparks you to be better. After researching, I can see how you are more motivated when you are going to have results that will make you a better person. You do not need material items to be motivated. I chose the one picture of the guy chasing the item on the pole because I found it funny and also to never stop giving up. I also list the quotes because I feel they are motivational themselves.

Vision is sort of like motivation. I have this one in my room. "Vision: It's kind of fun to do the impossible" (I believe the words are like that)

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