Saturday, November 8, 2014

Veteran's Day

Class last week was a nice surprise to have it end early. I was able to get a lot finished. I updated my portfolio. I also finished the draft of my lesson plan but I haven't submitted it yet. I also jumped ahead and submitted my orientation slide. I was in a very working mood. This week I am very busy at school. Tuesday, I will have the CEU class that I am teaching. I will be going over Pages, Keynote, and Quicktime. I really want to focus on Quicktime to show teachers that they can create tutorials for students. On Thursday, another teacher who is a Vet will be running "Holler at a Hero" where he is connecting his 26 students with 26 troops in Afghanistan through Skype. I have been helping him out. I create the Skype accounts off one email and we are going to match them up before Thursday to try to test run a few.It will be amazing to see it happen on Thursday. i'm very excited for it. Friday, we have a huge Veteran Day assembly at the school. I've been creating a few different videos that will be shown. anyway, I'm off to visit a wedding venue today and tomorrow. See ya later! no class meeting on Monday. I'll be using that time to work on other projects.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Steve for getting so much done this week. I was planning on doing the same, but unfortunately didn't get to all that I wanted to. It will be nice having some time tomorrow to finish some of the things that I planned to do Thursday and Friday, but just didn't get to! Hope you had a good time checking out some wedding venues-- that's always fun! :)
