Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving Week!

Last Week's class was awesome.  I enjoyed being in that room but I feel that we should have had iPads or computers to follow.  I really want to learn more about smartboards.  Sitting in class I had many ideas on how to improve technology in education.  I don't want to say much about it here but I have some great ideas.  Many different apps that can be created to make education easier.

I also finished all of my projects for class except for the PLN which I feel I will complete by Thanksgiving morning.  It is crazy thinking how quickly class is going by and how we are almost done with this semester.

Thanksgiving I am going to my girlfriend's grandmas and then back to my house for dessert with my family.  Every year we go back and forth with holidays.  We will be at dinner on one side and dessert on the other side.

Hopefully Friday will be my last Black Friday working.  I have to be at the store at 430AM to open at 5... I am happy that the store isn't open on Thanksgiving night like some stores are doing.  That is ridiculous.

Anyway, see everyone tonight in class!

1 comment:

  1. Even though I wimba'd in (not a real word but oh well)it is not the same as being in class. You miss the side comments and people's facial expressions. But from your post I couldn't have missed that much. Since you are a genius you won't need the how to video I found
