Monday, November 26, 2012

2 weeks!

Two weeks till the end of the semester.  Tonight will be a fun class since it may be our last in the room. I know we were possibly thinking of a field trip for next week.  I received my comments about my work and I'm very happy with the results.  It feels great to be finished with my first masters class!

In other news, I think I'm going to try to apply to the ETTC and see what path that takes me.  I need a job really bad and hopefully I will get something very soon.

Aside from that,  I am going away Wednesday to Friday, so I'm excited to relax especially after the retail madness from this past weekend with Black Friday.

Also it may snow tomorrow night!

Happy days!


Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving Week!

Last Week's class was awesome.  I enjoyed being in that room but I feel that we should have had iPads or computers to follow.  I really want to learn more about smartboards.  Sitting in class I had many ideas on how to improve technology in education.  I don't want to say much about it here but I have some great ideas.  Many different apps that can be created to make education easier.

I also finished all of my projects for class except for the PLN which I feel I will complete by Thanksgiving morning.  It is crazy thinking how quickly class is going by and how we are almost done with this semester.

Thanksgiving I am going to my girlfriend's grandmas and then back to my house for dessert with my family.  Every year we go back and forth with holidays.  We will be at dinner on one side and dessert on the other side.

Hopefully Friday will be my last Black Friday working.  I have to be at the store at 430AM to open at 5... I am happy that the store isn't open on Thanksgiving night like some stores are doing.  That is ridiculous.

Anyway, see everyone tonight in class!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday Funday

Last week's class was pretty exciting.  I enjoyed hearing about PowToon.  The only complaint that I have is that I wish it was free.  Even if it was a small charge it would be very helpful.  I just feel that some of the prices are outrageous.

The rest of my week consisted of getting ready for the snow storm.  The snow that fell was very heavy where many trees around me fell.  People throughout town lost power but luckily I didn't.  Today in class I heard that one teacher still does not have power since the hurricane.  That is scary.

The above picture is also very scary.  Black Friday is approaching and I doubt it will be busy this year. What bothers me the most this year is that many stores are opening at 8 PM on Thanksgiving.  It is a shame how stores are opening earlier and earlier each year. much for having a family holiday

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

so last night I got my power back. so sad. I never experienced anything like this. and it isnt even that I'm in bad shape because our worst situation is we lost all our food in the fridge and a few shingles on our house. Friends of mine lost their house where water went all throughout the first floor. lost their brand new car. people dying in seaside or LBI. its just sad and crazy, who would have thought this would happen.

For the first time I'm seeing these pictures. My iPhone was working but very very slow connection. Gas lines are still insane where half the stores around have no power. Just annoys me when I listen to Jersey 101.5 and I hear some guy calling up criticizing the pole workers because they do not see them or that they see some trucks at a five guys eating. these guys work non stop and they deserve a break. Seeing all these trucks driving around from other states (electric companies) felt so great to see others helping out. and with all the politics around it felt great how a huge republican (Christie) and democrat (Obama) came together as people. I respect them both so much. Just catching a news glimpse tonight but listening to christie on the radio the past few days i'm happy he is governor (even with everything with teaching)...and he has been saying that Obama has been handling this all well... but anyway makes me mad how that guy on the radio complains of no power meanwhile you have some without homes. TREES ARE STILL ON TOP OF HOUSES and wires are still down and you have this jerk complaining of no power

Sorry for ranting, I'm just so devasted hearing about this I guess because it is all in my backyard. I used to go to seaside almost everyday in the summer to either walk the boardwalk or go to Midway cheesesteaks...Midway was the place Christie talked about as the free standing sausage place that just was gone.(EDIT! IT HAS SURVIVED CONTRARY TO REPORTS I SAW A PICTURE IT IS THERE!) they made the best worst cheesesteaks for like 7 get a steakum with velvetta cheese sauce on a 6 inch sub... it was so good somehow. or you go to the rides. The log flume and the rollercoaster that is in the water, I remember it as a little kid and now it is gone.

All these questions go through my mind like on LBI is fantasy island still there? (arcade) or the Chegg (local legend dive) or what about Old Barney the lighthouse.(just saw a video of it standing happy about this)... its just sad. Today someone I know who works for Wawa was saying that they were using snow plows to get the sand off the streets. It's just crazy. Also up in point...we took my brothers wedding pictures there... areas are gone. So many people I know are now out of work, I know some people that were able to access seaside because of work and the photos they took are awful

sorry for the long rant...just everything I've been thinking.. I cant wait to drive over to seaside or lbi to just see the'll be weeks from now but geez, its going to be so emotional...I hope they don't find anymore bodies. here are some pictures, the first two are from a house on my street. The others are just memories that are now so damaged it's crazy
[Image: EA5FF82F-5A42-4495-9AC8-A129AE75BA96-193...BE31D6.jpg]
[Image: E769C6C3-DF96-4059-8180-900029BCC774-193...165F41.jpg]
[Image: LogFlume.jpg]
[Image: Giraffe.jpg]
see the giraffe in the upper left. That is a rooftop mini golf course. They had objects like the giraffe and a gorilla and a zebra. I'm surprised it is still standing which is weird. but once I got a hole in one on the final hole. celebrate so crazily when I was 18 haha 
[Image: 8866975_600x338.jpg]
so many memories with my friends when I was in high school from the boardwalk

This morning somebody posted this on facebook


see everyone on Monday...