Saturday, September 20, 2014

What's App-ening?

This weekend I'm going to work on my timeline. However, I am upset that Dipity hasn't been working well. I'm going to take Amy's advice and stay away just in case something goes bad. Maybe it is time to try some toast. Besides that, class is going pretty well. Since we do not have class this week, I think I may help out at the laptop distribution for one of the middle schools in Howell.

which brings me to the personal part of my blog...

Going 1:1 has kept me very busy, but I can tell that it is going to end up being smoothly soon. It is just a process. I think that is my word of the year (process). I'm excited to go through all of this because it is going to be amazing once the year is complete.

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Blog is Back in TOOOOWWWWWWN

Hello all.

How are you? I wrote  a nice blog post the other day on Weebly. I was very excited because Weebly is very easy to use. However, something happen and the page didn't upload correctly so here I am...

BACK TO STEVE RAO AND THE TECHNO THOUGHTS! Ah the reminder of my first MAIT class. good times.

In other news, class is in a little over an hour. It feels weird to not be able to attend class, but I can't make it down to Hammonton. Some information definitely gets lost. Last week we broke into groups. Shane was a great partner. When we finished, we went back to the main room and I was sitting there for twenty minutes at least wondering where everyone went. Luckily Shane replied and I knew everybody was working on the other assignments. 

I'm also a bit sad that I will be doing assignments by myself. It has been great working with others in MAIT but my schedule is so crazy right now that I don't want to frustrate anyone that may have been my partner if certain times to discuss material do not match up. 

School has been huge this year. Our school district became a modified 1:1 in 3-5 and 1:1 in grades 6-8. Students in grades K-2 will have iPads on a 1:2 ration.

Anywho... let me run and finish some work.